Superstar Rajinikanth’s magnum opus Kochadaiiyaan – The Legend has brought to audiences several global firsts across various levels. To add to the film’s pioneering feats, Kochadaiiyaan also marks the first time the reigning Deepika Padukone, has worked with veteran choreographer Saroj Khan.
It is reported that Deepika’s filming schedule for the film was a mere 48 hours and with minimal rehearsal time, Deepika performed an entire song from start to end .
And there was no better debut dance collaboration than for a poignant situational song, its backdrop being a pivotal moment in the film, which leads Deepika to perform with great intensity, anguish and dramatic prowess.
Speaking about choreographing Deepika, Saroj Khan says: “Deepika is one of the most professional and hardworking actresses I have worked with from the younger generation of stars. She amazed us all with her ability to pick up the most complex of steps in minimal time with no hassle. The intensity of the song is pertinent across her expressions and every motion. She has a done a stupendous job.”
After garnering over 3.5 million views for its teaser trailer in a matter of only a few days, Kochadaiiyaan is set to blaze a trail globally in cutting-edge Photorealistic Performance Capture Technology, as it rivals and transcends the technological capabilities of Hollywood masterpieces Avatar, Tin Tin and Beowulf.
South Indian megastar Rajinikanth is cast as the archetypal superhero in the epic dramatisation of good versus evil. He performs a dual role with Deepika Padukone being paired opposite the younger character. They are joined by current and veteran stars of North and South Indian Cinema such as Jackie Shroff and R. Sarathkumar for a global, Pan-Indian cinematic treat. The film is directed by Soundarya Rajnikanth Ashwin with music by A R Rahman.
Mediaone Global Entertainment Limited & Eros International 's Kochadaiiyaan – The Legend is set to transcend boundaries and break records, creating a market first in world cinema and cementing Indian Cinema’s place forever within the global film fraternity. Kochadaiiyaan – The Legend will release worldwide this 12th December 2013.
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